
How To Lock A Window With No Lock

DIY Simple Window Locks to Keep Your Abode Safe

The latches on most double hung windows are no friction match for a burglar with a pry bar. Pivot locks are an like shooting fish in a barrel solution. To install i, all yous have to practise is drill a hole.

simple window lock pin hole window safety locks Family Handyman

Simple Window Saftey Locks

The latches on most double hung window locks are no lucifer for a burglar with a pry bar. Pin locks are an like shooting fish in a barrel solution. To install one, all you lot accept to do is drill a pigsty. If y'all want to lock the window in a partially opened position, drill a second hole. Pivot locks are sold at home centers and online. They work well on sliding patio doors too.

Plus, bank check out these other thirteen inexpensive ways to theft-proof your home. These tips will make your home more infiltrator resistant without spending a fortune.

Plus: 10 awesome ideas for window treatments yous need to meet:


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