
How To Open Ps Files In Windows 7

Photoshop is a popular and powerful graphics editing tool, simply what exercise you practise if you need to open up a PSD file and don't accept Photoshop? Nosotros have several solutions for you that don't involve buying (or renting) an expensive copy of Photoshop.

A Photoshop Certificate (PSD) file is an entirely editable file format that saves the exact state of a document—text, shapes, layers, masks, effects, and all. While a standard image file is generally quite small, contains a flat image, and is single layered, a Photoshop document tin exist quite big, holds a lot of information, and is usually multi-layered. Most of the fourth dimension, people will apply the PSD format while working on a file so consign information technology to another type of paradigm file for sharing.

We're going to take a look at three possible solutions for how yous tin can use a PSD file without having Photoshop—all of them free. However, if you regularly get PSD files to work on, or if y'all have a agglomeration you need to work on for a short time, you might want to consider a short-term subscription to Photoshop, which you lot tin can become for equally piddling as $x per month.

That said, let's take a wait at how yous tin piece of work with these files without having Photoshop.

IrfanView: For Viewing and Converting PSD Files (Windows Only)

IrfanView is first and foremost an paradigm viewer, and it's a great i. It's fast, lightweight, and can open just about every paradigm format in existence (fifty-fifty a lot of audio and video formats). And all-time of all, information technology's free. While you can't edit any of the layers contained inside the file, you're still able to view and catechumen the image into another format with relative ease.

RELATED: Why You Should Supervene upon Windows' Default Image Viewer With IrfanView

Notation: The bad news is that IrfanView is just available for Windows users. The adept news is that if all you want to do is view a PSD file on your Mac, that's built into macOS' Preview function. Select the file in Finder and hit the Spacebar to view the acme layer of the Photoshop file.

In IrfanView, open the "File" menu and then click the "Open" command.

Navigate to your PSD file, select it, and then click the "Open" button.

Now that yous've opened your file, you can view or print it right in IrfanView. You can likewise convert it a different format if you need to.

Open up the "File" menu once more, and then click the "Relieve As" command.

In the Save Equally window, open the "Salve Equally Type" drop-downwardly menu and choose the format y'all want. You'll find just about every type of image format you could want.

Your new prototype file will exist saved to the folder where the original PSD file is located.

GIMP: For Viewing, Editing, and Converting PSD Files (Windows, macOS, Linux)

GNU Image Manipulation Plan (GIMP) is a free, open-source, and cross-platform image editing program that handles photo retouching, epitome composition, and image authoring. Information technology'south a powerful app that, while not quite every bit intuitive or powerful equally Photoshop, comes pretty close.

Yous tin employ Gimp to view and edit PSD files, as well as convert them to other formats.

Once you download and install GIMP, burn it up. Open the "File" menu, and then click the "Open" command.

Find the PSD file with which you want to work and and so click the "Open up" button.

Now that y'all've opened your file, yous can start to retouch, edit, and create boosted layers inside of GIMP. It isn't the same as Photoshop, simply it's the closest you lot can get from free software.

Next, if you're looking to convert this PSD file into something else—like a JPG, PNG, or GIF file—open the "File" menu again and and then click the "Consign Every bit" control.

In the Export Prototype window, open the "Select File Type" department and so cull the type of file you desire. When yous're washed, click the "Consign" button.

By default, your image is exported into the same directory every bit the original file.

RELATED: The All-time Cheaper Alternatives to Photoshop

Photopea: An Online Solution if You Don't Want to Install Software

If y'all won't exist using PSD files regularly and don't want to download any more software to your estimator, using a web-based app to handle your PSD files is probably for you lot.

Photopea is probably one of the all-time online applications for opening, editing, and converting PSD files. It offers a user interface somewhat similar to GIMP (and Photoshop, for that thing), along with the power to edit layers, masks, and effects.

Later on hitting up the Photopea site, open the "File" card and then click the "Open" control.

Navigate to your file, select it, and then click the "Open" button. This uploads the file to the site and the time that takes will vary depending on the size.

If the file needs any filters, masks, or edits, yous can do all of that from Photopea.

Notwithstanding, if you just want to convert the file and be on your way, open up the "File" menu again and then click the "Export As" command.  The "More than" submenu holds a few boosted formats in case the primary menu doesn't have the format you demand.

After choosing a format, you also tin can specify the width and peak, aspect ratio, and compression rate (quality). When you're gear up, click the "Save" button.

The file will be downloaded to your browser's downloads folder.

PSD Viewer: An Online Solution Only for Converting PSDs

If all you want is to convert your file without the added features and options for adding filters, masks, and additional layers, then look no further than

The site is super simple and straightforward to use. All you have to exercise is to upload your file to the website and select the file format to which you desire to catechumen.

Click the "Choose File" button.

Notation: The maximum upload size is limited to 100 MB.

When the window pops up, locate your file and and so click the "Open up" push button. This uploads your image to the site.

Adjacent, select the format to which y'all want to convert. The most mutual image formats are available. If you need something dissimilar, you'll need to utilise the Photopea site we covered in the previous section. When y'all're ready, click the "Convert" button.

Once the file has finished being converted, you lot'll be presented with a quick view of the image and the ability to prepare the width and height. Click "Download" when you're happy with your settings.

The file will be downloaded to your browser'south downloads folder.

Do yous accept a favorite way to convert your Photoshop files that nosotros missed? Lets us know in the comments!


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